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Table Member

This table represant the members of the system for example users participating in the system.

MemberID is the primary key of the table uniquly identifying each member.
MemberName stores the names of the members table.
memberEmail stores the emails of the members Table.

Primary key PK - MemberID
no Foreign key FK

Table Group
This table represant the different groups of the system for example groups used to allow many to many relationships between the members and the group table.

GroupID is the primary key of the table uniquly identifying each member.
GroupName stores the Groupnames of the table.
GroupDescription stores the Description of the Group Table.

Primary key PK - GroupID
no Foreign key FK

Table MemberGroup

This table represant the different groups of the system for example groups used to allow many to many relationships between the members and the group table.

GroupID is the foregin key FK referencing to Group table.
MemberID is the foregin key FK referencing to Member table.
JoiningDate this Field stores date when the member joined the group.

No Primary key PK
Composite key consisting of MemberID and GroupID
Foreign key FK are
GroupID (references Group table)
MemberID (references Member table)

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